A Secret
Mural Mission
in Telluride
Mural Mission
in Telluride
A small group forms together to create uplifting art in a time of CO-VID19 chaos.

"The world's trying to end, but we're not going to let it," said Stephen Burns, one member of a small team gathered to help local artist Brandon Berkel paint a pop-up mural in Telluride, Colorado around midnight on March 15, 2020. "Seeing the free box covered up was a big blow to this town," said Berkel, "I just wanted to give people something to laugh about, something that would make them look up from their phones, stop reading the news for a bit, and smile."
Art by: Brandon Berkel, Brooke Einbender
Team: Michelle Griffith, Stephen Burns, Jacque Garcia, Anthony Tavano
Photos: Henry Frawley-Fulcher