June 5th 2020
In Moab, a rural Utah town stated to have a population just over 5000 in 2018, over 600 residents gathered to peacefully protest the death of George Floyd, police brutality, and racism in the US. Threats of rain, wind, and calls for armed business owners to show up and intimidate the protestors didn’t stop them.
Now, Moab’s local government is deliberating how exactly to address calls for police reform. Those in power are leaning toward bias education rather than defunding or abolition. While some residents claim Moab’s police force doesn’t have a problem, others advocate in support of the nationwide movement calling for larger changes to ensure safety and equity for all in their community.
In order to continue the momentum behind this movement, locals have begun a Black Lives Matter chapter in Moab. Volunteers will be helping residents register to vote in the upcoming election. The Black Lives Matter movement has come to Moab- and it’s there to stay.
Photos by Hassnaa